
Agenda Item #5

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Warren Avenue - Street Closing/Deletion as Public Street
Engineering Department
Approve the attached ordinance deleting Warren Avenue from the Official Street \n \n Map of Columbus, Georgia and authorizing its disposal in accordance with the \n \n City Code.
Warren Avenue begins at the south curb of 14th Street between Broadway and 1st

Avenue and then, runs southwesterly to the east right-of-way line of Broadway

at a point about midblock between 13th Street and 14th Street. The south end

of Warren Avenue was closed to thru traffic as part of the Central Business

District Streetscape project some two years ago.
The north half of this block between Broadway and 1st Avenue east of Warren

Avenue is planned for redevelopment. The YMCA has plans to construct a new

facility (see attachment) for which portions of the Warren Avenue right-of-way

is proposed for use. Since Warren Avenue is no longer a thru street, it would

not have a negative impact to traffic circulation along Broadway or 14th

Financial Considerations
There are no expenses to the City.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The deletion of Warren Avenue as a public street and the authorization for

disposal requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the deletion of Warren Avenue from the Official Street Map of Columbus,

Georgia and authorizing its disposal in accordance with the City Code.

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