
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Request by State Board of Workers' Compensation for Resolution in Specific Format
Anne-Marie Amiel
Ratification by Council is requested of pending application before the Georgia \n \n State Board of Workers' Compensation for official self-insurance status. \n \n Council is further requested to affirm commitment to fully comply with all \n \n Georgia laws and regulations involving provision of workers compensation \n \n benefits to CCG employees.
On December 3, 2013 Council voted to authorize the City Manager to negotiate

and execute a contract with USIS/AmeriSys for the provision of workers'

compensation administrative services, effective March 1, 2014. As a part of

that process, CCG has applied for formal self-insured status with the Georgia

State Board of Workers' Compensation. Although we have been effectively

self-insured during the term of the contract with ACCG, under Georgia Code our

payment arrangement with that organization did not require that we be

officially approved as being self-insured. The application was filed on

December 21, 2013, and we are advised that everything is in order except that

the Board requires Council's Resolution be specific in its terminology relating

to approval and compliance with the law.
Approval of this Resolution will complete the documentation required by the

Georgia State Board of Worker's Compensation to approve CCG's application for

formal self-insured status.
Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney's office has approved the language of this Resolution.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the Resolution requested by the State Board of Workers' Compensation.

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