
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Residential Lot Access to Collector/Garrett Road
Engineering Department
Approval is requested for a variance to Section 7.9.2 of the City Code for \n \n limited residential access along the Garrett Road for Garrett Creek Addition \n \n Phase 3.
The Department of Engineering received a site plan for development of lots

which are positioned between Garrett Road and lots in Garrett Creek

Subdivision. The City Code Section 7.9.2 prohibits direct access to a

collector road. Garrett Road is classified as a collector road.
There are 25 proposed lots to be developed in Garrett Creek Addition Phase 3..

The developer is proposing use of joint use driveways, therefore; only 10

driveways would access Garrett Road. The Department of Engineering has

reviewed the site plan and recommends approval of the variance.
Financial Considerations
A denial would prevent the development of these lots.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There are no additional costs expected for the City..
Legal Considerations
A variance to this City Code requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested for a variance to Section 7.9.2 of the City Code for

limited residential access along the Garrett Road for Garrett Creek Addition

Phase 3.

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