
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Donation of Radios
Donna W. Newman, Director of Engineering
Authorize the City Manager to declare ten (10) VHF radios as surplus in \n \n accordance with Section 7-501 of the charter of the Columbus Consolidated \n \n Government and authorize the donation of the surplus radios to Fort Perry \n \n Volunteer Fire Department (Marion county, GA).
The Department of Engineering received a request from Fort Perry Volunteer Fire

Department for VHF radios no longer utilized by the City.
The requested radios are over 25 years old and of different technology, thus

making them no longer serviceable to the City.
Financial Considerations
The ten (10) radios would be valued at $500-$1000.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
No impact to the budget.
Legal Considerations
Donation of surplus equipment requires Council action in accordance with Sec

7-501 of the charter.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to declare ten (10) VHF radios as surplus in

accordance with Section 7-501 of the charter of the Columbus Consolidated

Government and authorize the donation of the surplus radios to Fort Perry

Volunteer Fire Department (Marion county, GA).

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