
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
RSVP 2014-2015 Grant
Approval is requested to submit an application and if approved, accept funds \n \n from the Corporation for National and Community Service to run the RSVP program \n \n in our area and to amend the Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of the grant \n \n awarded. The grant amount will be $26,043.00 by the (CNCS) with a match amount \n \n from the City of Columbus up to 30%, of which the funds are in-kind services in \n \n the form of salary and wages. The grant amount requested is $26,043.00, or \n \n otherwise awarded, to be used to implement the program and volunteer expenses. \n \n
The RSVP program is a continuing resolution that has been authorized by

Columbus Council each July since its inception in 1973. This grant is a

continuation grant that provides opportunities for senior adults from all

backgrounds, ages fifty-five and above, to utilize their knowledge, experience

and talents in meaningful volunteer service to the community for a three year

award period.
:the city of Columbus and the federal sponsor, The Corporation for National and

Community Service, jointly fund The RSVP program. RSVP continues to respond to

the changing needs of the community currently, there are approximately 75

active volunteers, rendering over 20,000 service hours annually at 8 volunteer

Financial Considerations
The grant amount requested is approximately $26,043.00 for the Department of

Parks and Recreation and the City of Columbus. The City?s match requirement is

in kind services of salary and wages.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Amend the Multi-Governmental Fund for the amount approved for the grant to run

for three consecutive years before required to resubmit an application, agenda

and resolution.
Legal Considerations
Council must approve this request.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize a resolution to approve the City to submit an application for, and if

awarded, accept a grant from the Corporation for national Community Service to

maintain the RSVP program in Columbus Georgia, and to amend the

Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of the grant awarded.

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