
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Victory Drive - Memorandum of Understanding, Development Agreement
David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Approval is requested to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding in \n \n partnership with Bright Meyers for transportation improvements to be \n \n constructed on Victory Drive
The City and the Development Authority marketed property on Victory Drive to

recruit retail business to the area. During negotiations for development of

the property it was determined certain transportation improvements were needed

on Victory Drive to improve access to the property and make the property viable

for retail businesses. The City agreed to make certain improvements to include

installation of a turn lane and installation of a traffic signal. All

improvements must be approved by the Georgia Department of Transportation prior

to being implemented.
The developer acquiring the property on Victory Drive for development has

submitted site development and building plan to develop the City property. The

developer anticipates having all permits approved and construction to begin

within the next 60-90 days. The development is scheduled to be completed by

December 2015. The developer's contractor will be making improvements on the

City/State right-of-way. It will be advantageous for the City to contract with

the developer to have the transportation improvements committed by the City be

performed by the developer's on-site contractor. The use of the developer's

contractor will eliminate the need for the City pay a separate mobilization and

staging cost to a second contractor. The City will utilize our own signal

contractor to install traffic signalization. The work involved will be limited

to demolition of the existing median and installation of a turn lane for both

east and west traffic and other minor improvements. The total project cost to

include traffic signals is estimated at $250,000.
Financial Considerations
Staff proposed in the FY 15 Budget process the utilization of TSPLOST

Discretionary Funds for this project
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City will incur minimal maintenance cost associated with maintaining the

new traffic signal.
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the execution of the agreement by resolution
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding in

partnership with Bright Meyers for transportation improvements to be

constructed on Victory Drive

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